Booking Flights and Hotels
Students and visitors have the option of letting the department book and pay for their flight and hotel in advance. Faculty members can also use this option, but only if they are traveling in a group of five or more. If there is a conference fee associated with the travel, one of our Financial Assistants may also be able to pay for this fee. Prior approval from the professor or department will be required for all advanced purchases of flights, hotels and conference fees.
For more information or to book, please contact one of our Financial Assistants at least two weeks prior to travel.
If you are paying for the flight or hotel yourself, please follow these general rules:
- Always take the cheapest flight/train/car/hotel possible, no first or business class
- Flight/hotel dates need to correspond to conference dates, no extended stays
- Itemized hotel receipt needs to be obtained from the hotel upon check-out
- International flights: ALWAYS select a US Airline if charging a Gov’t grant
- Hotel limits: $350/night in the US, $400/night in international locations