Homayoon Beigi
Professor of Professional Practice, Department of Mechanical Engineering
450 Computer Science Building, Mail Code: 0401, United States
Research Interests
Signals, Information & DataHomayoon Beigi earned his Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate from Columbia University in 1984, 1985 and 1991 respectively. The author of the first and only comprehensive textbook on Speaker Recognition, for over three decades he has been involved in research and development in learning-adaptive control, neural network learning, biometrics, pattern recognition, speech, speaker, face, object, emotion, and language recognition, as well as Internet-Commerce, and more. He has developed the award-winning RecoMadeEasy® Recognition Engine, and the multiple-award winning, CommerceMadeEasy® software. He taught as an Adjunct Professor from 1995 to 2024, teaching graduate level courses in speaker, speech, handwriting and applied aignal aecognition, in the EE, ME, and CS departments of Columbia University and has been advised PhD students in the civil engineering department. He has been on many PhD defense committees in control theory at the ME department. In 2023, he was selected as one of only 11 finalists for the 5 Presidential Awards for Outstanding Teaching across all Columbia University faculty.
He was a Research Staff Member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center from 1991 to 2001, working on speaker recognition, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, search, online handwriting recognition, control, and NN Learning. He developed the SAFE Audio ANSI standard and was an active liaison in the US delegation of the ISO/SC37-JTC1-WG3 and the VoiceXML Forum on Speaker Biometrics. His other research activities include Structural Health Prognosis, Image Compression, Kinematics, Financial Optimization, and Zero-Gravity Fluid Dynamics. His 1000+ page textbook, "Fundamentals of Speaker Recognition," has been downloaded by more than 100,000 times and was voted by Book Authority as the top 100 Computer Science books of all time. He is the recipient of three best paper awards from IEEE and Society of Experimental Mechanics, 13 issued patents and over 100 peer-reviewed publications. He has been the keynote speaker for two international conferences, an Associate Editor of the AutoSoft Journal, Guest Editor of the AutoSoft Journal Special Issue on Learning and Repetitive Control, Editor of the BISC Handwriting Recognition, Senior Member of IEEE, on the Advisory Board of IEEE Spectrum, and on the technical review committees of the Pattern Recognition Journal, IEEE PAMI, IEEE Transactions on NN, IET Signal Processing Journal, the International Journal of Control, AIAA Journal, ICASSP, Interspeech, and more.